Admission is Easy, Flexible and Fast
No standardized test scores needed No prerequisites Enroll any day of the year
STEP #1 If you are ready to enroll please download your application below and Submit your Application fee at the same time of your application submission.
Then you may go sign up with a email and password. You will then Await For Dean of Admission to review (within 24 Hours) your application and approve your signin credentials. An email will be sent to you first of your approval of signin creditials and also an approval of admissions with further instructions.
Enroll Today
When you submit enrollment Application, your application fee must also be submitted to NOT hold up your entry process.
If you are having difficulties with the above link please download application. Please submit this form with all requirements to
Download Enrollment Application here
Step 2
Once you have submitted your online application.
You may sign up , once the administrator has approved your signin credentials and your application please return to this page sign in using the same credentials and select your tuition plan. (YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ENTER THE TUITION PLAN PAGE UNTIL THOSE STEPS ARE COMPLETED)